Posts Tagged ‘dance’

Surrounded by Him

November 9, 2014

I listened to the music surrounding me, and I wanted to dance
Nobody was nearby, but the music was a romance
The beat of the drum; the melody
All I needed was somebody

Somebody is dancing to my right
Another woman is in my sight
I sense that He is here as well
He is here, I can tell

Tell it to the world, He is the resurrected King!
Oh listen world! He loves to sing!
Listen to his so voice so sweet!
He is the only one who can make my feet fleet!

Fleet is his foot during the dance or when you’re in trouble
He’ll always be at your side, on the double
He will always be there
It’s only because He cares

Rhythm’s Treat

March 23, 2010

Listen to the rhythm of the world around
But not let it surround
Listen to His voice sweet
You are in for a treat.

Treat yourself well, and you will hear Him
Listen to your rhythm
His can be yours if you want
It’s something you can’t flaunt

Flaunt? Why would you want to?
He wants you to be you
He wants to dance
And romance

Romance to music which is His
It’s the truth, and it’s bliss
Remember, He is true
And His music is in you